ErgoWest Consulting offers a variety of Occupational Ergonomics and Injury Prevention programs and services to help you effectively prevent musculoskeletal injuries in the workplace.  We offer a free initial consultation to guide you in selecting the programs and services that will most effectively prevent musculoskeletal injuries in the workplace.

Return to Work

claim-form-personal-injury-9575737Our consultants at ErgoWest understand that communication with the employee, physician, supervisor, rehabilitation providers, and other stakeholders is the key to successful return to work after an occupational injury.  We are particularly adept at assisting you in establishing and implementing a progressive return to work program to help injured employees quickly and safely resume regular job duties.

Workstation Design

In workstation design, ErgoWest consultants improve work flow, productivity, and comfort of office and non-office workstations.  We can assist you to determine the most effective configuration, identify products most suited to your needs, and guide you through the purchasing process.

Assistive Technology

For employees with disabilities, we can help identify and specify from a variety of software and hardware products designed to improve accessibility.  We can help you find the right fit without the frustration and expense of trial and error purchases.

worksafetyAnalysis of Furniture, Tools, and Equipment

We help ensure that the ergonomic items you purchase will meet your expectations for reducing the risk of injury and improving productivity.  Let our product knowledge and experience help you make the best use of your resources and avoid employee frustration associated with ineffective products, improving morale and productivity.

Employee Education

ErgoWest helps give your employees the information they need to make immediate changes to their workstation and reduce their risk of injury.  Information we present includes quick solutions to common problems, simple adjustments to furniture and equipment, and strategies for improving work practices.

Train the Trainer/Evaluator

workplacesafetyWe help supervisors, ergonomics/safety team members and other designated first responders identify and reduce ergonomic risk factors, develop furniture and equipment standards, and influence an injury prevention culture.

Not sure what services would have the greatest effect on your injury prevention efforts?  Contact ErgoWest today for a free needs assessment.