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ErgoWest offers a variety of ergonomic evaluations to help you identify and eliminate ergonomic risk factors in the office environment. Our recommendations may include simple workstation adjustments, strategies to improve work habits, or information to guide your purchase of furniture and workstation accessories.
With experience in nearly all types of industrial environments, ErgoWest offers ergonomics and injury prevention programs and services that reduce injuries in non-office environments such as construction, power generation, transmission, and distribution, manufacturing, production of wood and paper products, commercial printing, food service, hospitality, and high tech manufacturing.
ErgoWest Consulting offers a variety of Occupational Ergonomics and Injury Prevention programs and services to help you effectively prevent musculoskeletal injuries in the workplace. We offer a free initial consultation to guide you in selecting the programs and services that will most effectively prevent musculoskeletal injuries in the workplace.
provides support in occupational ergonomics that prevents workplace injuries, improves workforce morale and optimizes company productivity. We minimize workplace risk factors, and consequently employees feel more valued by their employer and are able to work more comfortably. Employers reap the benefit of higher worker productivity and lower medical, disability, and workers’ compensation costs.
ErgoWest is particularly adept at identifying and implementing office and industrial workplace improvements that improve productivity. Our consultants are able to effectively communicate with employees and top management, bridging the communication gap in order to get great results.
Neutral posture is an important component in the prevention of musculoskeletal injuries at work, at home, and during leisure and sport activities. Neutral is the position where joints and ligaments have the least amount of strain, muscles are balanced and working together, and blood flow and nerve conduction are optimal. Biomechanics refers to the mechanical forces at work within and acting on the human body. With a focus on biomechanics and neutral posture we are able to help employees understand the importance of positioning and posture on their ability to work more productively, more comfortably and with far less risk of injury.
The result of our work at ErgoWest is that employees understand how posture, both good and bad, can impact their ability to work, play, rest, and spend time with loved ones. We get best practices implemented, reducing injuries, lowering costs and improving productivity.
I have worked closely with Shawnalea for 12 years and her philosophy has always been and continues to be, focused on proactively keeping the employee free from injury and the organization’s Workers’ Compensation and disability costs low.
After Shawnalea helped me make a few simple adjustments to my workstation, I was shocked by how I felt immediate relief from the pain that had been plaguing me every time I sat at my desk. Now I am able to get more work done and no longer suffer with residual pain that affected the quality of my everyday life.
Shawnalea is as comfortable working with leadership as she is working with our employees in the field.
We are getting much better at managing our claims, but even more important we are getting better at paying attention to our bodies and workstations so we identify and mitigate issues before an injury occurs.
Most importantly to us and to our clients, Ms. Shelly is very open-minded in assessing existing furniture and furniture standards along with associated costs, to create the best solution within each client’s established parameters.
With Shawnalea’s assistance, we’ve been able to develop accurate job descriptions with well-defined physical job demands and a job-specific stretch program. Since implementing the program we have nearly eliminated musculoskeletal injuries and we haven’t had any lost work days.
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